The KKKops Are Trying To Murder Us.



A Portland Police Department flash bang grenade embedded in the back of a helmet worn by an antifascist protestor on August 4th.  He nearly died.

If you’ve been following us for the last little while, you may have noticed a disturbing pattern of the police playing an increasingly-active role in trying to do harm to anti-fascists.  Some highlights from the past two years:

Which brings us to the events in Portland of August 4th.  Not to be confused with events there the month prior, where the police formed a line to protect alt-right bigots from anti-fascist counter-protestors but then fired flash bang grenades & pepper spray at the counter-protests to soften them up prior to letting waves of white supremacist goons run through their lines to attack counter-protestors , then run back to enjoy full police protection.

This time, the police were the instigators of violence, commencing with a volley of flash bangs and tear gas launched without reason or provocation.  In that first volley was a flash bang grenade fired directly at the back of an anti-fascist’s head from close range.  The grenade penetrated the antifa’s helmet and caused a serious head injury.  Had he not been wearing a helmet, he would have been killed instantly.  In the end, the police arrested four anti-fascists and injured at least that many.  Rose City Antifa have established a crowdfunder to help victims of the police violence on August 4th and we were happy to be able to contribute to it.  We would encourage you to do the same, and to also make a donation to the Defence Fund so we can continue to support people willing to risk death at the hands of fascist goons and their police collaborators.