Fuck The #FluTruxKlan

Our hero with the orange gloves, trying to stop from being assaulted or run over.

Formerly known as the United States’ more-reasonable neighbour to the north, 2022 has shown the world that even Canada is not immune to far-right quackery, as full-on white supremacists & Islamophobes organized & led thousands of COVID vaccine conspiracy theorists and people opposed to public health measure in a truck convoy and occupation of that country’s capital. For three weeks, the country’s 6th-largest city was paralyzed as the #FluTruxKlan convoy loudly aired their myriad grievances, shutting down local businesses, threatening and assaulting residents, and in one case, nearly burning down an apartment building while the residents slept.

Meanwhile, 300kms away in Peterborough, Ontario, local chuds decide to copy this and hold a truck convoy of their own. Except the residents of Peterborough were not having it and at least one brave individual stood in front of the lead truck, blocking the convoy’s progress. The #FluTruxClan truckers were not pleased and very aggressively forced him out of the way of the convoy before police intervened – to charge both of them! Our friend is now facing an intimidation charge which, as plainly illustrated by video of the incident, will be a stretch for a prosecutor to explain in court.

That said, our friend won’t be going to court alone, as The International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund has stepped in to ensure that he has enough to pay for a good defence lawyer to represent him in this matter by making a contribution to his crowdfunder.

As the old Anti-Racist Action point of unity goes, “never let them have the streets!”