Police Story

Scottie Tripn under arrest by the LAPD, January 6, 2021

We’d be understating the point if we told you that the LAPD has had a race relations problem over the last several decades. There’s a reason Black Flag wrote “Police Story” about them waaay back in 1981 and NWA would write “Fuck Tha Police” about them seven years later.

So don’t be surprised if we tell you that in 2021 ain’t a damn thing changed. Witness the po-po’s actions on January 6th. While MAGA chuds in DC attempted to overthrow the government, their LA counterparts came downtown to attack people there. Well-known LA musician, veteran, and Black Lives Matter supporter Scottie Tripn came down to make sure people weren’t hurt by the fascist losers.

Not long after he arrived there was an alleged interaction between him and one of the Piss Boys.  These two photos – of Scottie getting bear maced & how “captain america” looked afterwards tell the tale:

How it started.
How it’s going.

Witnesses report that after defending himself ably from the cosplaying shitsack that bear maced him, Scottie was then jumped by more fascists, then dragged off and beaten with nightsticks by the LAPD. Now Scottie faces serious charges and has mounting legal and medical bills from this attack.

The International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund was able to make a significant contribution to Scottie’s crowdfunder and we encourage y’all to follow suit, just as we encourage you to kick in to the Defence Fund itself so we can continue to stand with the anti-fascists that stand up in the streets for their communities.

Refugees Welcome; Fascists Fuck Off!

Plattform für eine menschliche Asylpolitik & other Wien antifascists take to the streets, March 20, 2021

One of the best ways to know that your crew is doing effective anti-fascist work is when the fascists come after you. We know this first hand after Brietbart singled us out for (an unsuccessful) deplatforming attack a few years ago! So Austria’s Plattform für eine menschliche Asylpolitik have been paid the highest of compliments by one of that country’s most vile politicians, the FPÖ’s Herbert Kickl, when he filed a “copyright infringement” lawsuit against them.

Because they published a photo of him on their website mobilize for a protest against him, under the slogan “Never again!”

A photo they took from his facebook page.

Yes, that’s how little Kickl had to work with to get The Platform. But that was enough to force them to mount a legal defence – one they estimated would cost approximately 10,000€.

The International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund was pleased to be able to help them get to the amount they need to defend themselves in court; just as we’ll be even more pleased when they win in court and Kickl is forced to faced the consequences of wasting the court’s time and resources on such a frivolous and vexatious matter. As the judge will no doubt put it in her ruling.

If you’d like to read more background on the lawsuit against The Platform and their legal defence (or would like to personally contribute), here it is.

If you’d like to make sure the Defence Fund is always ready to defend anti-fascists the world over against any charges, no matter how frivolous, please contribute here.