The Best Defence Is A Good Offence

Offensive Antifasciste Bordeaux

Imagine going out for a drink with your mates and by chance picking a bar where high-ranking members of one of the most racist organizations in the country are socializing. If you’re like some of the friends of Offensive Antifasciste Bordeaux, you’d take that as the perfect opportunity to have a frank and honest exchange of views with the bigots of Rassemlement national (RN).

Unfortunately and before our five friends could really, really drive their points home, Bordeaux police intervened and as a result, charged and convicted them with various offences. Now, in addition to prison time, our friends face court fees, lawyer bills, and damages. The International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund has intervened to help defray some of these costs and we stand with the heroes of Bordeaux for defending their preferred drinking spot from a fascist invasion. Never let them have the bar!

Andy Ngo Owned Again!

Andy “Antifa Milkshakes Bring Me To Their Yard” Ngo

Andy Ngo is a one-trick pony. The guy just can’t stop trying to repeat his past success of making himself a victim to grift for $$$. More recently than the infamous milkshaking of this clown and liar, he once again tried to provoke a left-wing demonstration and wound up running back to his fancy hotel to hide, which of course he then used as the pretext to sue anyone he thought may have been at the protest he went to antagonize. In the hopes of suing them later. True, is probably preferable to when he was compiling hit lists for a neo-nazi terrorist organization, but still not cool.

Of course, on the other side of things, this meant that some of the leftists & anti-fascists Ngo was trying to sue in court for opposing him had to hire lawyers to defend themselves against this lawsuit. One of those people included a single mom who had to put up a crowdfunder to pay her lawyer. She reached out to the International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund for support and how could we say no to contributing to a 0 in court for Andy’s score card?

And, at the end of the court proceedings, the board indeed read ANTIFA 1, ANDY 0. If our friend wasn’t able to hire competent legal representation, it could have gone the other way and she could have found herself having to pay this fucking Ngo troll $300,000USD.

The Defence Fund has proven this time and time again – when anti-fascists can afford good lawyers, they beat the cases against them in court. We’re help to help make sure every anti-fascist facing a trial has solid legal representation standing there with them. Please help us continue to do that.

Steel City Shakedown

Antifascists in Pittsburgh protest a tranphobic event where the existence of trans people was “debated.”

It’s easy and fun to dunk on Ben Shapiro. Whether he’s suggesting homeowners in neighbourhoods going underwater thanks to climate change can just sell their houses or questioning whether women can get sexually aroused, Ben’s the king of self-owns.

But sometime he’s not just an amusing buffoon. Sometimes he and his pals from his far-right extremist current affairs site (no, not the far-right extremist current affairs site he used to be the editor of, the other one he started on his own) put on stunt events. Like earlier this year, when they hosted a “debate” in Pittsburgh about whether trans people have a right to exist.

As you can imagine, the good people of Pittsburgh (were NOT having it and hundreds of them showed up to try to shut it down. As you probably would have guessed, the police were out in full force to protect the transphobic stochastic terrorists from the people who did not want them to dehumanize trans people. Arrests were made, two of which reached out to us for some help with their legal defense which we were happy to provide. We hope their lawyers make a mockery of the prosecution’s case as easily as it is to make a mockery of anything Ben Shapiro believes.