Laurels for Leif


Leif is a trans man who this spring faced off against gun-toting, full-on neo-nazis and other assorted armed transphobes trying to assault the audience at a Drag Queen Story Time in Wadsworth, Ohio.  Of course the police were there – to protect the nazis! When the transphobes tried to physically assault a group of children leaving the event, Leif (who was escorting the children) was bludgeoned in the attack and responded in self-defense, successfully repelling the attackers and protecting the children from physical harm. But of course, the cops decided to slap Leif and only Leif with multiple assault charges!

The evidence, including multiple videos taken of the attack, was obviously in Leif’s favor. He clearly acted in self-defense. Yet the police and prosecutors forced him to hire a lawyer and fight the charges in court. Leif had to set up a crowdfunder to help pay for his legal defense and after reaching out to us, The International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund stepped in to make a contribution.

Last week, we got the good news that this was money well spent! Leif beat the assault charges in court earlier this week and happily accepted a plea deal and took a misdemeanor with zero jail time for reasons he explains here. We’re as happy as the fascists are mad that the assault charges got tossed and Leif gets to continue to live his best life, IN NO SMALL PART THANKS TO US!!!

BTW, Leif still has outstanding legal expenses to pay off, so if you feel like kicking in a bit to help him with that, you can do that right here